Saturday, September 19, 2009

Short and Sweet.

"Love the life you live, live the life you love." -Bob Marley.

Do it.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I once read a quote on a mirror. It was written in black expo marker.

Years teach us things that days cannot see.

Now like all quotes, it has a few different interpretations of the meaning... I'm pretty sure the original author intended it to be inspiring, but unfortunately, my view of life right now thinks otherwise.

Think back. Way back. Back when everything in your life was perfect. Back to a time when you wished everything would stay exactly the same forever. When nothing seemed frightening. When you lived in the moment every day, without a care in the world.

There comes a time in life when change has to occur. Time is always moving forward, pushing you along, whether you're ready or not. This is the fourth dimension folks.

People change. Drifting apart. Altering who they are. Making friends. Losing friends.
Nothing remains constant forever. Except time. And thats always changing.

Lately it seems like time finally caught up with everyone. Like all of the sudden we were all hit with a realization. Or maybe its just me.

All my friends, people I've known forever are drifting apart. They're all busying themselves with their own lives, and the people in it.

Its sad when you take a step back from it all and evaluate the problems in your life. Its odd how when you look at a long period of time, you can see all the small fractures where the problems began. Where exactly everything began to change.

Sometimes I wish I could travel back in time. I wish I could fix those cracks before the earth split.