Monday, January 11, 2010

Is Your Problem a Snow Mound?

Today, while I was waiting for my mom to pick me up from school, I decided to occupy myself by kicking mounds of snow. When I first started, I tried to knock over the mounds by kicking them in the middle. The only thing I got out of that was a stubbed toe.
Then, I started kicking the sides of the mound, a little bit of snow falling off at a time. This time, I managed to succeed in completely making the snow disappear. It took a bit longer than if I would have succeeded in knocking it over from the middle, but the method I used was more effective.

Situations in life are that way, on occasion. Sometimes the best way isn't to attack something head on; All you'll get is a stubborn response. Sometimes you need to know what you're dealing with and use the most effective method.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Are You Far or Near Sighted?

Its funny how life seems simple from up close.
You can take a look at it and explain what you see.
Now when you step back, and look at the big picture... things get more complicated.
Its funny how no matter how many small pieces of life you comprehend,
everything changes once you put them together.
For instance, one can look at a puzzle piece and see a smiling face,
but when you put all the different pieces together, its a picture of a frowning man with a mustache.

This blog is pointless.
Welcome to the New Year.