Monday, January 11, 2010

Is Your Problem a Snow Mound?

Today, while I was waiting for my mom to pick me up from school, I decided to occupy myself by kicking mounds of snow. When I first started, I tried to knock over the mounds by kicking them in the middle. The only thing I got out of that was a stubbed toe.
Then, I started kicking the sides of the mound, a little bit of snow falling off at a time. This time, I managed to succeed in completely making the snow disappear. It took a bit longer than if I would have succeeded in knocking it over from the middle, but the method I used was more effective.

Situations in life are that way, on occasion. Sometimes the best way isn't to attack something head on; All you'll get is a stubborn response. Sometimes you need to know what you're dealing with and use the most effective method.

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