Friday, August 14, 2009

How Unimpressive.

So I've been thinking a lot recently about nearly everything. Its been such a long time since I've felt so inspired about thinking on such a deep scale. Its like taking a breath of fresh air. So good.
Anyway, something came to my attention earlier this morning concerning facebook. A particular person's status update... Now I won't mention any names but the girl's status said this "Dang. Got arrested again." and underneath it, she clarified that it was due to fighting again. Again.
I find it so weird/horrible to be only 13, almost 14 and already have a criminal record. I was talking to Xandra about it and eventually I started thinking about the way the girl had acted. She was a pretty awesome person and I'd hung out with her a few times during class, but every day she would come to school with another story about an obscene thing she did the night before. For instance:
"I got my phone taken away because I snuck this guy into my room at 3am and got caught making out."
"At my old school I got suspended so many times for fighting with people."
She would say it with a smirk too, almost with an air of pride. Like all of her bad deeds were part of some twisted trophy collection that she put on display for the world to see. Bragging almost.
Why? Why do humans take pride in doing wrong?
In reality, its not that impressive. Its easy to do all that bad crap, to give into temptation and embrace the shallow nature of humanity. But now, doing something good for the world takes so much more effort. To always crave the selfish worldly desires, that taunt you every minutes of the day, and turn away... that takes skill, my friend.
If you absolutely have to brag, show the world how you can serve it, not the other way around. Its much more impressive.

"Be the change you want to see in the world." -Ghandi.


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