Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Naturaly Unsatisfiable Human.

I wrote this last night, in my little blue 10 cent notebook. enjoy.

Hey! Heres just a short prelude into my next blog because I've attempted several times to start abruptly, and to be honest, its not working out for me.
I decided that since I made such lame halfhearted New Year's resolutions, I'll make one now. Who says you can only better yourself at the beginning of the year?
I think I'll make a list, starting with one goal and add to it slowly day by day until they all become habitual. It might be hard, but I guess I enjoy a good challenge.
So here it is:
1.)Write one blog every day.
I may, or may not post them all, but I think its a smart idea since I find writing a personal journal somewhat awkward. They don't have to be long, I'll just use them as landmarks to document important events in my life. Time sure flies by quickly.

So I got a perm today. Pretty freaky, I must say, but I'm hoping it will calm down a bit once I wash it. I look like the unprepared replacement zombie straight out of some cheap 80's horror film.
In a way, I think we all as humans, have some sort of subconscious desire to make ourselves unhappy... The whole 'Grass is greener on the other side' deal, which I know I've blogged about before.
Before, I've always looked at curly haired people and wanted my hair to be just like theirs, all straight hair pretty bland in comparison. But now that I have what I want, I look at straight hair, like mine used to be, and wonder how I could have ever wanted otherwise.
Maybe we're all pre-programmed in life to always be unsatisfied with what we have, always desiring a little bit more.
Or maybe we just don't see the beauty in what we do have because we're so focused on the things just out of our reach. Once we've lost something, we notice the empty hole that it used to occupy. I think that's when we notice true beauty.
Our eyes are blind when they're on the prize. Why care about the prize when you're surrounded with the wonderful things you already have. (Now when I say prize, I mean all the selfish material wants and desires of us humans. There's times when its best to be focused and determined. The term in subjective really)
Anyway. I guess what I'm trying to say is, Look around at what you have. There's someone in the world who would treasure the things we scarcely hold recognition for. For instance: A family, your hair, the oppurtunity to go to school and get an education. Enjoy life, live with love, and keep the priceless things close to your heart. Never forget their true value.

Goodnight everyone.

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