Monday, December 21, 2009

The Idiocy of Modern Facebook Groups

So today I was procrastinating, as I am now, by checking out facebook.
Reading people's updates, looking at some pictures, posting a comment or two, you know,
When I came across a few idiotic (to say the least) Facebook groups.
One was called:
I Hate Stupid B**ches
and the other:
Become a Fan of Swearing.
So naturally, I clicked on them, just to see what topics were discussed upon joining either one of the groups.
I came to the conclusion that the first one contradicted itself...
If you're complaining about, or even have the heart to say such a thing about someone else, its your own fault.
Also, I was reading the comments on the wall, and it consisted of random chicks accusing the group of being 'pointless' or 'unofficial' since a bunch of girls who deserve the title were joining the group. Rather hypocritical if you ask me.
The second group, "Swearing" basically had updates a couple times to day saying pointless swear words, or encouraging intellectual debates on whether or not the f word was the most amazing word in the whole world.
Really, guys? Has the humanity really sunk to that level?
Pretty pathetic.

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