Thursday, November 12, 2009

Open. Your. Eyes.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. - 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

I've only been on this earth for 14 short years. I may not know everything about love, and I'm not writing this to pretend I do, but if there's one thing I do know, its that love is definitely not hate.
It sounds silly, I know. Of course love isn't hate, but think about it.

Your walk talks louder than your talk talks.

Its an age old saying(I think), but its true. Love doesn't dwell in words, but in actions. Sure, you can use words to express those feelings, but its not what you say, but how you show it.

Its easy to say "I'd take a bullet for you." But would you actually do it?
Its easy to say "I'd do anything and everything for you." But how much of anything are you really willing to give?
Its easy to say "I'll never hurt you." But if you don't love with your whole being, actions, words, everything, hurt will be inevitable.


They're just letters. 27 of them. 5 vowels. 22 consonants.
They're abstract. They mean nothing.

Love isn't jealousy. Love isn't mistrust. Love isn't selfish. Love is an antidote, not a poison. Love is caring, not neglect. Love is setting yourself free, not a prison.
Love isn't an intimate touch, or a style of clothing, or a hair color, or holding hands, or kissing in public places, or spending every second with one another.
Its so much more.

I heard a quote once, from a very special person. It went like this.

"No man/woman is worth your tears, and the only one who is, will never make you cry."

Whoever truly loves you with all their heart, would do everything in their power to prevent your tears. Of course, life has its ups and downs, and sadness is unavoidable at times. My point is: Whoever cares about you more than themselves, will put their selfish desires aside, and help you be the best you can be.

I could go on with this subject for hours, but I have homework calling my name.

I wrote this blog for a good friend. Now go read the title again.



  1. This is the best...I mean, inspiring. I don't know how to describe how I felt reading this blog. It makes me want to be a better person, and to love with all my heart. It makes me want to be good at loving people, to the point where it becomes natural. No conditions, pretenses, dislike, or judgement. For anyone. I want to be accepting, and ultimately to have someone love me back in the way I want to love them.

    I agree with Martin. You. Are. A. Genius.

  2. Cosy...You are a truly are! Love is a hard topic to take on and we never fully understand it. But, the fact that you're 14 and you've already thought about it this much shows how mature you truly are. I love ya Cosy!!!!! With all of my Heart!!!!!
    p.s- ya know I have to ask it....who did you write this for???? Cuz whoever they are, have no clue that an angel (aka. YOU) is looking out for them!
