Sunday, March 21, 2010

Breaking New Ground and Planting Seeds of Accomplishment.

Hey you guys!
I haven't been on blogger in nearly forever, which is mainly due to the fact I had no furniture in my room for about a month. My updater is completely full with blogs I need to read. Maybe I'll set aside a time to read them all.
Anyway, wow. Today I broke a ton of new ground! Although not all of it was the best soil to be digging on, things will be looking up from here on out! I'm finally motivated to do the things I love and better myself overall! Its the greatest thing ever, I'd say. In the next few days I'll make some goals for this new semester, and this new year, since I missed my new years resolutions. Who ever said we had to wait for the beginning of a new year to be a better person? Its ridiculous to put a date on accomplishment, or at least the process. A new beginning can come any time you please if you're willing to put in the work to do so. Every day is a new one, so we might as well make the best of it.

Talk to you soon! ;)

1 comment:

  1. I hear you!!! I used to wait for New Year's to make changes...then birthdays were a great opportunity...then Spring as the season of change...then Sundays (the taking of the Sacrament) when I was a churchgoer..then it dawned on me that every new day with it's God-kissed sunrise was a new beginning...and now, almost five decades into Life, I find that every moment offers an opportunity to change directions....every breath! There's nothing to wait for, since we don't know if we have another sunrise/Sunday/birthday/spring/New Year's waiting for us!

    there really is no time like the present....

    Love your post! Good luck and have fun with your new changes :)
