Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Justification of Disobedience... Or Not.

Can a wrongdoing be justified?

I was once asked this question by a very wise man who taught me many things about life... and this question was accompanied by a story. He didn't tell many stories, but he told this one.

There was once a man worked very hard. He had a loving wife, a beautiful daughter, and a good job. One day, in the middle of the winter, when the snow fell from the sky and iced over the roads, his daughter fell very ill. Her fever shot up to the hundreds, and the man knew that if she didn't get care immediately, she was likely to lose her life. The power had long since gone out, and he couldn't call an ambulance, so he jumped in his car with his child, and drove as fast as he could to the nearest hospital. He swerved dangerously down the city streets, and ran stop signs. Luckily, he managed to avoid everyone in his path, and got to the hospital just before it was too late. They gave the daughter immediate care and she lived. But the man had broken so many laws that he was taken to jail, to serve a three year sentence.

The man. He raced to save a life. He broke the law, and accepted the punishment. Its all cause and effect.

Sure, he could have killed someone, driving so fast down the icy roads, but he didn't. He stood up for what he believed in; his daughters life. I guess it was only expected of him to serve his time in jail.

But was it fair?
Is doing something that you know is wrong to stand up for what you believe in worth it? Can you really justify your bad behavior by saying, you knew what you were doing would make a difference for the better in the end?

I thought I knew the answer at one point. But I guess I don't.

Laws are laws for a reason. They were made to be followed, not broken. They keep people safe.

My heart speaks probably louder than any other organ in my body. I find it hard to ignore, even when my mind is telling me no. I make stupid decisions, but I make them for a reason. I make a point not to break rules unless I have a really good justification for that act.

But is it worth it?

The man in the story sacrificed his freedom, his job, his life, in order to give life to another.

So, is it worth it to lose everything you worked so hard for, in order to follow your heart and do what is right?

You tell me.

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