Monday, October 26, 2009

Its Exactly the Same... Except Different.

So I'm bored.

Ever since school I've been so busy with everything. Playing guitar, homework, being at church, hanging out with my friends. And now that I don't have to do anything, I don't know what to do! I'm always under some sort of stress, and don't get me wrong, it feels great to be rid of it, I'm just clueless as far as productive ideas go. What do normal people do in this situation? I know Alyse blogs. :P I just finished reading a few. So good!

Well its the end of the term... its gone by so fast... and I'm proud to say I have straight A's (I think..)
Pretty difficult. I've been incredibly spacey lately, and just lazy. School's lower on the priorety list nowadays, but not totally gone.
Next term I'll be more responsible and organized! Chyeah.

Volleyball ended too, which makes me sad. I used to look forward to practicing with my rad team on Thursdays. I don't think I've ever gotten along with my teammates as well as I did this year. Maybe it was a change in my attitude, or maybe we were all just crazy, therefore compatible.
The tournament was pretty awesome! Undefeated! :) Of course. Never lost a game. All. Season. Confidence booster! Hurrah!

On another note... it seems all my old friends are slowly slipping away from me. I haven't spoken to Hayleigh in months, since school started. She probably doesn't have time for me anyway. Oh wells. I hung out with Grant the other day... he's still awesome, but way different than he used to be. I miss my best friend. :( *sigh* There's really nothing I can do. I've already tried to keep contact with him, but he doesn't seem to want to.
Lets see... Xandra seems to be infatuated with Zakk. Enough said.
Hm. A lot of people are just going there separate ways now.
I kinda feel married. Like after High School, everyone goes in the direction they choose, and eventually get hitched. We're pretty much married to our schoolwork. Well most everyone. Me and Alyse are still 'married' to each other though. :P Oh! And Martin is still my best friend, which makes me happy! If not for him, I would be feeling bored more often.

Anyway... I'm just rambling now.
Have a good day folks.


  1. Cossy! Cosey?

    I know how you feel and it's lame. Of course I blame my drifting on me living far away and going to a different school...
    I hope to cure this awful thing next year though, when I get a car and will most likely end up going to Lone Peak (as in, if I have to beg your mom to pretend to adopt me I will)

    And you should try sleeping. It's something I do during the day when I'm bored :p Although lately I've been devouring books like they're the key to my soul. Speaking of, I need to give you your book back...

    Hearts and hearts.

  2. Uh, I didn't see my name on that post.

  3. Correction... I SAW it! ;)

    <3 U, Cossy!

    PS: "(...if I have to beg your mom to pretend to adopt me I will)" Hahaha! That really made me laugh! I guess Cosette's mom will soon have 2 more children in her family. =p *Scary*
