Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Memories: still in progress.

Okay, this is going to be a short blog because, for one, I'm doing really well at writing today (reference my 6/6 on myaccess essay), and I'm using this blog as my temporary journal until I can scrounge(is that a word?) up enough money to buy one.

Today, I hung out with Grant, which was possibly one of the most amazing things I've done in a while. The other day I was reading Alyse's blog, and realized how much I missed Grant... A little part of my heart felt as if it was missing, and I had never noticed it before. I started thinking about all our epic adventures, like when we almost set his house on fire with just a spray can of axe and a lighter, or when we rode to the Peppermint Place in the rain to buy a ton of gummy worms so we could effectively enjoy I Am Legend, but never ended up doing it because of general conference... My life is so boring, and I've just noticed that I do practically the same thing every day, and even when my schedule varies from the norm, I still do the same things, in the same places, at the same times. The only time I actually have memory making experiences is with my friends. I never realized how much I miss hanging out with people and just chilling. Most of the time I sit around doing homework, talking to the occasional person on facebook, eating various tv dinners, and sleeping. I've become a stereotypical college student.
Over the past few months, aka when I was dating Brady, I thought he was all I needed in life, and slowly, I began to lose my friends, one by one. The worst part is that I didn't even notice. I grew apart from all these amazing people who I saw as 'extras'. Really the only people I stayed friends with were Alyse, Xandra, and church people. Now, I'm just barely rediscovering all the fun I had when I didn't depend so much on love to fuel my happiness. In a way, this is a good experience for me, as is everything. You can't live without learning from your mistakes... if you never learned, you would probably be dead by the age of two.
So... anyhow, back to hanging out with Grant. It was nice. We laughed about stupid stuff and I decided that I like being able to be my complete self around him... When we had nothing to say, we just sat, and thought. It wasn't awkward, just... nice. Like Nicholas Sparks likes to comment in all of his books, inexperienced people think they have to fill the silence with meaningless words, but smart people know that theres something beautiful about the quiet sounds of life.

From this point on, I'm going to try to make my life memorable, although I know life changing experiences don't come around often. I'm deciding to find myself, do something with my life, start earning money to prepare for the future, and work hard to keep the relationships I have.

Well I'm off, who knows if I'll sleep tonight due to the insane amount of caffine Grant and I had earlier from the Ruby Red Squirts :]

Night. Love you all.


  1. Friends make the world go round :)
    Seriously. Try thinking back on all of our amazing adventures.
    Okay I just typed this insanely long comment, but it became a blog, so I am turning it into a blog entry.
    Let's make more memories together, shall we?
    Cheers, to the past, present, and future. All of which has been, is, and will be absolutely amazing.

  2. yes, i agree with alyse.that friends do make the world go round. i love thinking back on all our amazing adventures...
    like when we ran out in the rain in alpine and were dancing in it then we went back to alyse's house and watched little miss sunshine.
    or when we were taking cool pictures in the wheat field/vacant lot across the street from your house.
    or when we threw you a surprise birthday at alyse's house in her basement and attacked you with silly string, and drank soda out of shotglasses, and you blew out a candle on a cupcake.
    or when we laid in the middle of my street watching the stars, and we saw a shooting star that looked like it belonged in an movie. and then my mom got all mad at us and said that we could've gotten run over by a car. hahahah.
    or one of the many times we would walk to the junction and just chill and talk and hang out there.
    so yes, as alyse said, cheers to the past, present and future! all of which has been, is, and will be absolutely amazing.
