Wednesday, May 20, 2009

If you're underground, everythings up.

Its true. Sort of... Except China.... and oriental people... and mass marketing. But thats not the point.
My point was that I've been burying myself lately, and I can't decide if thats a good thing. Well everythings up. I've been so completely busy lately.

So first of all, for some reason, I've become motivated to talk to people. Most likely because of Johnny's question "What if?" Its subconsciously has been gnawing the timid part of my brain away.
I think a lot of people need to ask themselves that question.
What if I was more outgoing?
What if I wasn't afraid of heights?
What if I actually spoke my feelings instead of just going with the popular vote?
Are some of the examples.
Seriously, whats the worst that could happen if you were more outgoing? Sure some people would hate you, but thats invetible, there are haters in the world, and youtube is valid proof of that.
and what if you spoke your feelings? Its pretty much the same thing. The worst that could happen is someone would disagree.
Fear, in a way is a hindrance, but in another way, a safety net. Personally, we should all build up the courage to face our fears, if not conquer them. Everyone is afraid of something, so its really nothing to be ashamed of, although some stereotypical men see it that way.
Some fears are logical and are meant to cause intimidation. For instance, its better to fear not wearing your seatbelt in a car, than to get in a car accident, fly through the windshield, proceed to roll down the freeway next to a deer carcass and then get eaten by flies. Like everything, theres a perfect balance between being limited by fear, and being limitless.

Anyhow, I rode a horse... for those of you that didn't hear me the first thousand times I said it. I guess it kind of made me excited. So last Saturday, I went over to the Jacobsen's house for a barbeque. They had like everything in the world. I chilled with Jonah and we jammed on guitar, and then drove small children around in an ATV, and nearly got killed by my brother's reckless driving. Jonah and I decided that it would take him at least ten tries to pass his drivers test. Oh and the horse, his name was Prince and I rode him down the street haha. Woot!

Oh another highlight! Kirsten got her Driver's Licence! I was so stoked. We went over to her house and decided to drive down to her farm to pet her goats, chickens, and rabbit. Then we drove around trying to find Alyse, and hung out with her for a while. It felt pretty awesome driving with one of my best friends in a giant escalade... it also amused me that shes only 4'9" and had to sit with her stomach an inch away from the steering wheel... hehe.

Holy smokes, its already Wednesday... and I haven't gotten a resting moment since... last week. I even have to randomly sleep in the car and during classes so I don't accidentally kill myself from exhaustion. As most of you know I was on TV today. Woo Woo! I feel kinda famous. Except for the fact that no one in their right mind would ever watch channel 102, or 6 or whatever it is... Its kind of like a 24/7 infomercial, but lacking the couch potato participation aspect of it. Oh wait, I believe there was a five minute segment on how to work out properly on giant inflatable balls...

...I rode a horse. hahah.
I love how Xandra is probably the only one who actually chuckled a little there. Inside jokes are great right?

Wow, today was crazy. When I got home from Park City, I was like... "I should write a song about how Bella feels in New Moon, and I should compose it on an old beat up guitar that hardly works." I don't even know why I got that random urge, but it seemed like a good at the time.
Then I faced a problem: Alyse's beat up guitar was horribly out of tune and the D string was irreparable. So, using just a drill, an eyehook(I think thats what it is) and a nut(also just a guess) to fix Alyse's beautiful guitar that is now known as Delaney Mae. Now, being fixed, she sounds brand new and beautiful. I'm pretty sure no one could ever guess that she was probably bought for five dollars at the DI.
I think I'm pretty proud of my handiwork... sadly, probably more proud than I am for making it on tv.
I guess that says something about my personality.

Sorry guys, I should stop, I'm a bit loopy from waking up at 4:30 this morning.
Just a few last words.
1.) My ceiling has a gaping hole in it that drips when it rains.
2.) Hit me if I never write a song about New Moon.
3.) I'm gonna go to the orthadontist tomorrow, and see about getting braces.
4.) Holy cow, I have a ton of homework that needs to be done in the next two days.

Thank you for reading my long, dull, pointless blog.
Night ya'll.

1 comment:

  1. ZOMG this was awesome. Amen on the first part, but I won't right an entire paragraph about how much I agree.
    I giggled when I read the "...I rode a horse" and I bet Xann will/did too.
    ...In the bushes. On a plane!
    Ha. And thank you thank you thank you for fixing Delaney Mae! She plays so beautifully.
    I didn't get her at DI...I got her from Courtney lol. But nonetheless, it was a POS, and now she is amazing :) I'm purrty sure it's an eyehook...
    Braces huh? Woah.
    I love you!
