Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I. Am. Cinderella.

Wow... a lot has been on my mind during the last few days, I've needed to blog for what seems like ever, but last time I even tried to I just stared at the computer screen for a half hour. I didn't know how to put my thoughts into words... I'm not even sure if I can now, but I'll give it a shot.

Just a few random things to start...

I've been thinking, its really odd how music can influence someone's life. Its such a powerful force that can make you happy, or bring tears to your eyes. All kinds of messages are sent through it, ones of heartbreak, ones of inspiration, anything. Its an outlet for sharing your emotions, just like blogging in a way. Musicians are brilliant people. They capture the wordless things in life and create music, something so much more powerful than words. Right now I would like to thank The Break and Repair Method for being musical geniuses. Their songs are about heartbreak, about hurt, but they manage to keep the charade, they manage to keep the music upbeat and happyish. In a way, its so much more down to Earth than other songs. Isn't it what we all do? When something goes wrong, we put on a mask and hide what we really feel as our heart yells out to anyone who can hear it? Maybe I'm reading way too deep into their music, but I'm loving it.

Second of all, my thumb hurts super bad... I was playing guitar for almost 2 hours straight today and I didn't even realize how hard I was pressing my thumb down on the back of the neck. Now its all numb and hurty and tingly... but I guess its ok because Emily kissed it better. Oh! Emily! She is my favorite! We're in the same flock, band, and... well everything! To be honest, she was probably the reason I didn't totally have an emotional breakdown at blur today. She sat on the stacks of chairs with me while everyone had fun and played balloon games. I really wasn't in the mood, and neither was she. It was nice to have a partner in heartbrokeness.

Thirdly, the eternal question. Do men with ridiculously large beards shampoo them in the shower? No one seems to know! And I personally don't know a redneck bearded man to ask myself. Me and my mom were sitting in taco bell and this hobo man walked in to use the restroom and she was like "I wonder if bearded men shampoo their beards." and ever since then, I wonder. I know that if it was humanly possible for me to grow a beard and I actually found it attractive to have an appendage on my chin resembling a small woodland animal, I would most definately shampoo my beard.

Ok, this is completely random, but I'm pretty sure women sleep better in their underwear.
I know I do.

I've been noticing lately, I really am growing up too fast. By golly! I'm only 13 years old (soon to be 14 as of next week but thats not important), although mentally I feel so much older. It sucks. Its like I'm stuck in this little kid body while my brain matures so much faster. I forget my actual age a lot. I actually consider myself fifteen, oddly enough.
But the thing that sparked this sudden thinking was the daddy daughter valentines dance at my church. I bought a new dress, dressed up to the max, and got to dance with my friends, but there was something else... my dad. Although he prefered to stand on the outskirts of the dance floor while eating the cookies from the snack table and chatting with the other outcast dads, we did slow dance a little. One song in particular, got me thinking. It was called Cinderella, or something along those lines. Oh! Cinderella by Steven Curtis Chapman. The chorus goes like this:

So I will dance with Cinderella
While she is here in my arms
'Cause I know something the prince never knew
Oh, I will dance with Cinderella
I don't want to miss even one song
'Cause all too soon the clock will strike midnight
And she'll be gone...

The last two lines nearly brought tears to my eyes... Actually I think they did. Life is short, and I'm wasting it on my own selfish activities. Until that point I never tryed to see it another way. It was my life, I should be able to do what I want right. In those words, I realized how fast I was growing up. I realized that time never stops, and soon enough, I'll be gone. Will I have regrets? Will I wish I spent my time more wisely? I suddenly wanted to live my life less selfishly, I wanted to spend as much time with my family, my friends, the people I love, because one day, it will all be gone. Just a memory. Its up to me, right now, to make the memories so wonderful and memorable that at the end, I can look back, and smile.

So now I'm all blogged out... Imma hit the hay. Have a wonderful night, day, morning, afternoon, midday, evening, whatever you please. Just do it wonderfully.
Here's a few more songs.

Music Playlist at


  1. Kay seriously...I yeah. This wa intense. The part about life going fast and becoming a memory hit me.
    I'm doing something similar.
    It hit me in a way, that I wish I was close to my dad. I just am not..and I dont want to be because I cant stand him. I just cant. I guess I wish he was different, so I get sad when I see dad/daughter stuff, that USED to be us. Now I've just grown away from him.
    I do have good memories of him. Maybe when he is older and has his life together, and i have mine togeher things will be different...
    anyway, I loved it. And now i will think for hours on this subject.

  2. Woah.. ha yea, it is crazy how big of an influence words and music are. I think its kind of.. astonishing how fast we're all growing up. How we can remember what we did two, three, four years ago, and is now a distant memory. But we can never get lost time back, once its gone, its gone. So when people say 'time is of the essence', it really is. There's no changing what we did, or could've done. I think thats why time machines don't exist.. if they did, people would always be going back in time, trying to fix what they think they did wrong. But what would probably end up happening is that they'd end up creating a whole new problem for them, and they'd want to keep going back and fixing and correcting.
    btw, i love your blogs, they always make me think so much, and bring things to realization. they rock ;]
