Monday, March 9, 2009

The Trials of Love vs. The Unblemished Heart

Light and dark. Yin and Yang. Good and evil. Not one could exist without the other, despite the extremeness (pretend thats a word) of their differences. I've come to notice that most things in life, can be narrowed down to either one extremity or another. When we make decision in life, its like we come to a fork in the road. One route leading one way, the other leading the total opposite.
But what must we do when we come to that fork in the road, and neither side presents everything we want? We have to pick and choose depending on our morals and personality.
Love is particularly like that. It seems to me, there are only two choices, with no exceptions. You can either love, experience the thrill and happiness of a lifetime, but also feel the unbearable pain of heartbreak. Or you can never love, and save yourself from the sea of hurt that comes with it, the happiness you feel never going deeper than the surface, yet flying contentedly through life. What to choose, what to choose?
On one hand, you have love, on the other safety. Its impossible to love safely, in the road of life there are no shortcuts. In order to give your heart to another, to give your all to another being, implies vulnerability. To witness the wholeness of true love, I really believe that you have to give it your all, and wear your heart on your sleeve, if you hide it away, how will they find it?
Love is to explore the unexplored.
Love is to be spontaneous and hopeful.
Love is to be unashamed.
Love is to be trusting, unminding of the consequences.
Love is to be truthful.
Love is fearlessness toward the unknown.
Amongst all these great things, lurks a truth unpleasant and unappealing.
No matter what, no matter how many precautions you take, to love is to hurt. And with every time you give your heart away, it will undoubtedly break. As Alyse says, we are never completely whole, as we travel along in life, we leave bits and pieces of ourselves in others. People will be wreckless, unknowing of the fragile nature of the human heart, or simply blind to it. They will throw it on the ground, step on it, and laugh in your face. They will rip it apart and steal all your duct tape. They'll throw it in a fire and package the ashes into playground sand, so millions of little kids can stomp all over it.
There comes a time in life, when one must gather up the pieces with tears in their eyes, and sew it back together. Although once broken, it can never be whole, the best we can do is to watch it wheeze, throb, bleed, pulse, and beat again. Sometimes, it seems easier to save ourselves from all this trouble, to just give up love, and to hide in our metaphorical boxes (...or real boxes if you happen to be homeless.) Sometimes it seems easier to keep our hearts and protect them from the burdens of the world. All in all, its your decision.
I will now quote Brady, because 1) it applies to this blog. 2) he has brilliant theories about everything. and 3) I just love him.

"Love is a curious thing, but if you think about it, most love starts from curiosity."

Now, I'm not exactly sure what he intended this to mean, most of his theories were beyond my comprehension, but I know what I beleive it to mean.
Love is unknown territory for most of us at one point in life, our motivation is curiosity. There's always been something mysteriously intriguing about love, something that is almost magical. The curious idea, that some sort of endless happiness exists seems almost unreal. So we unleash our feelings, in order to experience this passionate joy. With love comes irrational feelings; unusual bursts of happiness, extreme depression, anxiety, complete selflessness, fear, stress, uncontrollable adoration, pride, heartache. Some are extraordinary, while others are frightening.

Maybe, just maybe love is worth it. Maybe a moment of unforgettable happiness, can make up for a lifetime of pain. Maybe, a life without love really is one without meaning. Maybe this dull ache in my heart, means something much much more.

... maybe, just maybe.


  1. Feeling deep today hmm Cosette? Isn't it difficult to stop loving someone. A terrible trap really. So easy to love, but impossibly challenging to snip that pretty thread.


  2. woahh. so true, on so many levels. this is way deep. yeah, its life, pain comes with love, good comes with bad. they cannot exist without eachother, if we only ever knew love then it wouldn't seem as wonderful without the experience of pain. and how when you give someone your heart, you give them the power to break you. wow and yes, yes i did just quote twilight. o well.
