Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I wish that life didn't suck.

I wish humans weren't self centered.

I wish homework was easy.

I wish I could be happy.

I wish I lived closer to my friends.

I wish I could have a nice cold coke right now.

I wish sharpies didn't bleed.

I wish Atreyu didn't remind me of Brady.

I wish I could live by myself... and drive.

I wish whoever invented the saying "look out for #1" would have been dropped out of a two story building as a child and had become mentally handicapped.

I wish dreams could be real.

I wish unicorns existed.

I wish it was possible to fly as high as you want on a teeter todder without falling over.

I wish people would stop taking life so seriously and just smile.

I wish the more people could experience the joy of owning a cardigan sweater.

I wish I knew.

I wish I could tell people how I really feel.

I wish I was motivated.

I wish Brady wasn't on my mind all the time.

I wish we didn't have to hurt others to survive in this world.

I wish I didn't have a miniature heart attack every time I see Cade in art class.

I wish hurt wasn't invetible.

I wish the jewish star wasn't on the bottom of my vans.

I wish life made sense.

I wish symphony bars were only 50 cents.

I wish our government didn't run on money.

I wish I could fly.

I wish Kurt Cobain wasn't afraid of commitment.

I wish he hadn't died so young.

I wish lava lamps were still in fashion.

I wish I could see Tegan and Sara in concert again.

I wish most pencil sharpeners actually worked.

I wish I wasn't afraid to sing.

I wish I wasn't confused.

I wish the news was happy.

I wish Utahns didn't think that Obama is bringing about the end of the world.

I wish skinny jeans fit me.

I wish I could freely express my views to my parents without being yelled at.

I wish I could feel welcome in my own house.

I wish my life didn't resemble Coldplay's 'The Scientist'

I wish Beat Radio was a signed band.

I wish craft stores sold plain t-shirts that didn't feel like boxes.

I wish I could keep plants alive.

I wish that when I look in the mirror, I could see myself as others see me.

I wish humans made sense.

I wish Cade and I were still friends.

I wish I still recieved a text every morning that says "Hello Dearest."

I wish the good old days weren't in the past.

I wish my bed was a hammock.

I wish I could draw realistically.

I wish Alyse still lived down the street.

I wish my heart wasn't broken.

I wish I always told the truth.

I wish I could be good enough.

I wish vending machines would take 5's.

I wish Cole had good friends.

I wish it was possible for two people to love each other forever.

I wish there was a word that rhymed with purple.

I wish I knew myself.

I wish Emily and I could take pole dancing lessons.

I wish Paco the water walking llama existed.

I wish I didn't always have to hide my feelings.

I wish "I love you" would be taken more seriously.

I wish I had a tattoo of a mustache on my finger.

I wish homeless people had houses.

I wish drugs didn't exist.

I wish unicorns actually ate spaghetti and shot it out of their horn.

I wish everyone would wish each other "happy hump day" every Wednesday.

I wish I could still listen to the Twilight album and feel an incredible peaceful happiness.

I wish all kitchen utinsels had pictures on them.

I wish I was photogenic.

I wish more people thought like Mr Bass.

I wish Oakeson liked me.

I wish I didn't blush every time Bentley Rawle looks at me.

I wish there were less expensive vintage stores.

I wish I didn't live on a hill.

I wish the NES was still popular.

I wish most of these blogs weren't about Brady.

I wish more Americans knew how to punctuate.

I wish I was lucky.

I wish I wasn't always the broken one.

I wish I still knew still knew people I went to preschool with.

I wish Rob Sheffield's wife hadn't died.

I wish me and Nessa were still as close as we were.

I wish my neighbors window shutters matched their house.

I wish I didn't let so many people down.

I wish life always seemed worth living.

I wish The Notebook was real.

I wish I was more athletic.

I wish I could see an Arizona sunset with my own eyes.

I wish I could cook.

I wish Hayleigh had a purple lawn chair to match mine.

I wish I was a better friend.

I wish worms had wings.

I wish animals would look both ways before crossing the road.

I wish I paid attention in church more.

I wish I understood football.

I wish I had a stack of old National Geographic magazines.

I wish more frantic women would write novels about the sorting of socks.

I wish my broken heart didn't physically hurt.

I wish rumors didn't exist.

I wish Utah wasn't overdue for an earthquake.

I wish I could write songs.

I wish I could inspire the world.

I wish more people could know God like I know Him.

I wish I could wear PJ's in public.

I wish I could still kiss the wall and know Brady was doing the same to his pillow.

I wish the Utah air didn't suck.

I wish more girl singers made quality music.

I wish people didn't make life so dramatic.

I wish I lived in the 60's.

I wish I could live in a house where everyone had a positive influence on each other.

I wish I could have Brady back.

I wish flowers grew in the winter.

I wish I didn't argue with my parents.

I wish I would read the Bible more.

I wish there was no war.

I wish my alarm clock wasn't so annoying.

I wish it was possible to be myself around everyone.

I wish the school food tasted good.

I wish I was taller.

I wish I could have kissed Brady again.

I wish I could communicate better.

I wish it wasn't too late.

I wish I lived closer to the library.

I wish my closet at Hayleighs house was the biggest.

I wish life wasn't a race.

I wish Dylan hadn't moved.

I wish I had a relationship like Kayla and Cody.

I wish peace was more than a mental state.

I wish I would have told Brady exactly how I felt.

I wish my teeth were straight.

1 comment:

  1. In our school library in the back room, there are stacks of National Geographic magazines. One of the oldest ones is from like the fifties.
    I freaked out and thought of you, even before I saw that wish.
    I want a stack of old national geographic magazines too.
