Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Wide World of Music.

I haven't written a blog in a while, although I've been meaning to for the last week or so. I should apologize for my previous, depressive, explosive blog. I was in the middle of writing a blog when my mom randomly started yelling at me (as always) *sigh*. Its not a very pleasant thing.
You should note that I changed my blog name, to Unrequited Love. Yep, thats what my life has become. A game of cat and mouse, yet I'm helpless to stop it. How pathetic.

Anyhow, I just watched Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist, and I have to say it was one of the most confusing movies I had ever watched. I loved the music, but personally, I think the storyline and characters need a little work. Their emotions were on the border of reality and eccentricity. I found that I couldn't really relate to them. Norah seemed too eager to please, and kind of... dumb. The storyline, was pretty good, although they could have done so much more with it. Like, they have some unknown connection that has something to do with music that draws you in. Perhaps, he could have put one of his mixes in his CD player while they were driving, and then she starts singing along with a track that he, himself wrote. Hm... that would give things a twist.
Oh well, enough negative critisism. I think, overall, I liked it. Especially the music. It inspired me.

After watching it, I started thinking a lot about music.

Music, is simply amazing. Every song is worth a thousand words (yes I did just take an age old saying and alter it so it makes an infinite amount of sense.) Even the words that aren't sang in songs can say so much more than words can. Every syllable has a story behind it, a million stories, if you think about it. Theres zillions of different ways you could string words, chords, instruments, etc together, but only one makes a particular song matter. Music is endless. Its kind of like people, you know? Everyone is unique, and no matter how many humans live or have lived, theres never going to be an exact duplicate.
I also decided that indie music is pretty much amazing. Indie music takes lyrics to a new level. My mom always laughs at it when we listen to my Indie Mix that I made a few months ago. She says the words make no sense. I say she's not enlightened. Shes still blind and untrained to the world of music.
You see, those words make so much sense, that they don't. Each word is like the earth. Theres millions of different layers to them, it just depends on how deep you dig. I can think of the words to a song for hours, and never quite grasp the complete meaning. Good songs do that. They make you obviously think.

I tried to write a song today. Well, half of a song. I wrote a piano solo thing, and then a guitar part to match. I gave up.
Then I started thinking.
There's really no way to mess up on creativity.
For the longest time, I was stuck on the fact that I was going to be no good at writing songs. I strive to be perfect. But perfection is a subjective thing. Its just an illusion that us humans create for ourselves. Every person has a different perception of perfect. Its something imaginary, something that can never be reached. Everything is imperfect (except probably Jesus), Art is just the only thing that actually captured that thought, and let it bloom.
Some of the most beautiful things aren't perfect. So why try? After all, perfection is overrated and doesn't exist.
So, for that reason, there's no way to screw up art.
My goal is to write a song, inspiring or not. Hey, its a start.

On another note, my mom just bought the movie Twilight, and I'm dying to watch it. But, I can't.
Every time I look at the cover, the only thing I see is Brady. If couples ever had movies, like couples have songs, Twilight was our movie. I saw Twilight three times in theaters, twice with Brady. It just seemed to fit us. We would always make analogies tied to it. I loved it. He's one of the only guys I've met that actually appreciated the greatness of Twilight, no strings attached. He didn't love it because becoming a Twilight fan would make him an instant chick magnet. He didn't love it to mock the classic man stereotype that society created. Nothing like that at all.

Well, I should probably end this and hit the hay. The glowing 19" computer screen is making my sickly eyes spin.

To end this blog, here's my most recent playlist packed full of awesome indie bands I discovered today. There's a lot of songs from Nick and Norah's infinite playlist on there. Good stuff.

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones!

1 comment:

  1. First, yeah you had me worried on the last blog, but I'm glad you're okay.
    You're right, perfection with creativity is entirely subjective on so many counts, and it's all in the imagination.
    I've not yet seen Nick and Norah's, although I plan on doing so very very soon.
    Twilight; whereas it is you and Brady's movie, you shouldn't watch it unless you are in one of those moods, the one where you could watch it and cry and not care...
    OR you could just forgo watching it at all and spare yourself the pain, although since we are who we are I know I would watch it...don't be like me. Spare yourself...

    I love you very very much, forever and ever my mooncheese buddy.
